Administrative Core of the CIB-RHR (Core A)
Renee A Reijo Pera
Dr. Reijo Pera is the principal investigator of the NIH (National Institutes of Health) CIB-RHR CoBRE (Center of Biomedical Research Excellence).
MegAnne Casey
Vice President MegAnne Casey is our administrative official who oversees personnel hiring, grant submission, reports and many other aspects of the CIB-RHR.
Rebecca Brown
Rebecca Brown directs our research programs and is actively working towards ensuring our future sustainability and development of new resources.
Jill O'Moore
Jill O’Moore assists with all aspects of grant submission and with reporting, budgeting, and planning.
Heather Chamberlin
Heather Chamberlin assists with financial matters such as bookkeeping and also contributes to moderating events and organization.
Meredith Veltkamp
Meredith Veltkamp coordinates visitors, provides purchasing services and is the front-line person one meets in the lobby of our Institute.
Overall Goal and Aims of the Administrative Core
Ensuring Administrative Excellence
The overall goal of the Administrative Core (Core A) of this Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (CoBRE) application is to provide the leadership, services, coordination and tools necessary for the success of Research Project Leaders (RPLs), Core Directors, Pilot Project Investigators (PPIs), the External Advisory Council (EAC), Internal Mentoring Council (IMC) members, and collaborators.
Outreach to Our Community
We coordinate events to reach out in our community and in our laboratories. Our public support is important to our goals and also motivates our science.
Providing Outstanding Personnel, Equipment and an Environment for Integrated Biomedical and Rural Health Research
The administrative core is an important component of the CIB-RHR. It monitors needs for personnel, equipment and the physical facilities to ensure the CIB-RHR functions at full capacity.
We seek to accomplish our overall goal providing outstanding administrative services via four specific aims to provide:
1) Administrative leadership, services, and tools to support career development and expansion of the community of researchers in integrated biomedical and rural health research
2) Administrative infrastructure for the recruitment of additional faculty
3) Administrative support, services and oversight to the Gene Editing and Mouse Models Assessment (GEMMA) Research Core
4) L:eadership and support for evaluation and other services, as needed, to ensure successful day-to-day functioning.