Governor Bullock introduces Montana Alzheimer's & Dementia State Plan
June 20, 2016 marked the beginning of a new day for families suffering from Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. In introducing the Montana Alzheimer's Plan with Governor Bullock, we paid tribute to all those we've lost to this disease and all those left in its wake."We have numerous resources at the ready but have lacked an organized inventory and efficient way to deliver them throughout the state to those in need," said Lynn Mullowney, executive director of the Montana chapter of the Alzheimer's Association.
With that in mind, Gov. Steve Bullock and the Montana Alzheimer's/Dementia Work Group rolled out on June 20, 2016, the Montana Alzheimer's State Plan, Montana's first-ever plan to prepare for and deal with the disease and similar conditions.Click here for the full article by Zack Benoit, Helena Independent Record
The Montana Alzheimer’s/Dementia Work Group was established in June 2014. It is a state-wide partnership consisting of several key national, state, and local partners interested in improving care and support to Montanans with Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias, their families, and caregivers.For more information, please visit the website at