Summer Internships for High School & College Students

Time to make summer plans!

Students in their junior or senior year of high school, or freshman through senior year of college from one of the following counties are eligible: Cascade, Chouteau, Glacier, Lewis & Clark, Pondera, Teton, or Toole. Students should be on track for four years of math, biology, chemistry and/or physics. Stipends are paid to all participants however, the Institute does not provide housing for interns.Our funding source stipulates that we give preference to applicants from the above Montana counties, however, all are welcome to apply.

Successful applicants will spend 10 weeks, from June 12, 2013 through August 14, 2013, in the laboratory of one of the Institute’s faculty actively engaged in a current research project under the direction of the scientist, postdoctoral fellow, or research assistant. In addition to providing hands-on experience in investigational science, the students will observe and interact with other high school and college students in a laboratory- learning environment rather than a classroom. Workshops, journal clubs, and seminars supplement the research experience.  Each student will give a formal presentation at the end of the 9 weeks summarizing his/her project.Successful applicants to the program must agree to fully commit 10 weeks of their summer to the internship.  The reward is real-life experience participating in cutting edge research at a research institute with ties to world-renowned scientists and research universities.  Many of our interns have gone on to successful careers in research or medicine.

A long tradition!

McLaughlin Research Institute is committed to serving as an educational resource for students and teachers in Montana.  Summer research internships for talented high school students have been available since 1954, when Great Falls High School student, Irving Weissman, worked in the lab of the Institute’s founder, Dr. Ernst Eichwald.  Dr. Weissman now chairs the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Committee and is Director of Stanford University’s Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine Institute.With the goal of improving science education and fostering critical thinking for as many students as possible, the summer internship program has been expanded to include college students and high school teachers.  This effort has been made possible by the support of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute K-12 Science Initiative.  Minorities are particularly encouraged to apply to these programsInternships begin Wednesday, June 12, 2013 and end Wednesday, August 14, 2013.To apply, include a letter of application highlighting your interest in science, a resume, transcripts (unofficial is fine), ACT or SAT scores (high school), and two letters of recommendation (in sealed envelopes signed across the flap), preferably from instructors in the science disciplines. Please send applications by March 27, 2013 to:McLaughlin Research InstituteAttn: Student Intern Programs1520 23rd Street SouthGreat Falls, MT  59405 


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